- Kris Gopalkrishnan and Sudha Gopalkrishnan
[+] Shri K. Vaidyanathan Distinguished Chair
- BS - Imperial college - 1976
- MS - Stanford University - 1977
- Ph.D. - Stanford University - 1980
- Speech models of brain
- Neural signal processing
- Computational neuroscience
- Robust control systems
- Neuromorphic engineering
Awards and Distinctions
- Fellow, IEEE
- Fellow, Acoustical Society of USA
- ISR Outstanding Faculty Award
- NIH Advisory Board
- Blaise Pascal Intl. Research Chair
[+] Smt. Sudha Murty Distinguished Chair
Professor Vasant Honavar
Professor, Pennsylvania State UniversityDirector: Center for Big Data Analytics
Director: Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory
- BE - BMS College, Bengaluru - 1982
- MS - Drexel - 1984
- MS,Ph.D. - Wisconsin, Madison - 1990
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Knowledge Representation
- Bioinformatics
- Data Science
- Health Informatics Neurocomputing
Awards and Distinctions
- National Science Foundation Directors's Award for Superior Accomplishment
- Edward Frymoyer Endowed Professorship
- CRA Computing Community Consortium Council Member
- Iowa State Univ. Regents Award For Faculty Excellence
- Univ. Winsconsin ECE 125 People of Impact
[+] Pratiksha Trust Distinguished Chair Professor
Professor Christos Papadimitriou
Donovan Family Professor of Computer ScienceColumbia University, New York, USA
- BS - Athens Polytechnic - 1972
- MS - Princeton University - 1974
- Ph.D. - Princeton University - 1976
- Theory of Algorithms and complexity, and its applications to optimization,
- databases,
- control, AI, robotics,
- economics and game theory, the Internet,
- evolution and the brain
Awards and Distinctions
- Member of National Academy of Sciences, USA
- Member of NAtional Academy of Engineering, USA
- Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Knuth Prize, Godel Prize
- von Neumann Medal
- Kalai prize for CS in Game Theory
- EATCS Award(European Association for Theoretical Computer Science)
- Author of Novels: "Turing", "Logicomix" and "Independence"
- Honory Doctorates from Nine Universities